Friday, September 26, 2008

Mayor Kip Holden

The political reality is that Mayor Kip Holden will win his race on October 4. His campaign coffers are full with cash and both whites and blacks love him. While his opponents are broke and irrelevant.

The Mayor’s opponents for the most part are quality people that have served this parish and state with distinction it is sad to see then reduced as yapping dogs chasing the mayor hoping that he would stumble so that they could have a chance. It is unfortunate to see someone I have greatly admired as a guardian of public funds to be reduced to a petty politician. If Dan Kyle would not have been manipulated to run for every open office his service to our state would have become legionary. But his legacy will be one of an angry trivial politician who could never win an election. What can you say about a man whose nickname is “Spider” other than he should be stepped on and squashed like the creepy crawler that he is. Ron Johnson will say or do anything to get elected or help his wife get elected.

The bottom line will be that Baton Rougeans appreciates the great job that Mayor Kip Holden did during Hurricane Gustav and Katrina and on October 4 they will reward him with their votes.

Sorry losers!

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